
St James the Great Weekly Newsletter

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 7th February Sun 13th February 2022 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 7th February Sun 13th February 2022

Today we have this powerful story of the miraculous draught of fish. 153 in all. Reminds me of the feeding of the 5,000 people. And food left over. Also, of the changing of 180 gallons of water into wine. Joseph obeyed and took Mary as his wife. The generosity of God in all this is enormous.  And we should be grateful. However, all four events happened after people OBEYED. I know many people do not like this word and it is not a word you often see in these pages. But listen. Peter fished all night and caught nothing but at your word "I will pay out the nets." Great catch. Get the people to sit down in groups of 50. All fed. Do whatever he tells you.The wedding was saved. Joseph became the foster father of Jesus. In all cases the people OBEYED and were amply rewarded. I think you get my drift. Need to listen and obey.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 31st January Sun 6th February 2022 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 31st January Sun 6th February 2022

Our parish presbytery next door is a large building. It contains too much space for the needs of a parish priest and costs a lot to keep maintained and in good condition. We have not spent much money on the building in my time here and as people who have visited me in the Presbytery over the last few years will know, it is in need of refurbishment and therefore considerable financial investment. I have been discussing this with my parish finance committee and the option of building a new Presbytery elsewhere within the church grounds has been put forward as a viable alternative. This would enable us to produce a smaller Presbytery that is fit for purpose and can meet the needs of all future parish priests. It can also be constructed using modern methods of construction meaning it can be more cost-effective to run and in the long term, provide environmental benefits. If we were to proceed with this idea, various options for the future of the current Presbytery would be taken by the Diocese, including sale, redevelopment, or repurposing. We would not like the costs of any such plans to be a drain on parish finances. For a purpose-built Presbytery to be constructed, it would require the use of funds available to St James’s. I therefore, welcome your thoughts and opinions on this proposal, this idea is in the very early stages of development. If the feedback we receive is positive, I would love to hear from Parishioners with construction industry experience or experience running projects of any kind to form a new committee to enable this idea to become a reality. Please call/text/email or come and see me to offer your views on this idea and let me know if you would be interested in joining the committee. 

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 24th January Sun 30th January 2022 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 24th January Sun 30th January 2022

The Spirit of the Lord brings seven glorious, eternal results: The Anointing with the presence of God Good News of Salvation for the Poor, Humble and Afflicted. People in need. Healing for the Broken-hearted.  Stand with me. Liberty to the Captives. My mind is my own. Sight to the Blind. Knowing I am loved. Liberty for those Oppressed.  Freedom of the children of God. The Year of the Lord’s Favour. Appreciation of what we have got. The spirit of the Lord has been given to all of us. I am capable of so much if I just trust in the Lord. Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God. Blessed are those who believe without seeing.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 17th January Sun 23rd January 2022 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 17th January Sun 23rd January 2022

The transforming of water to wine is a sign of how God will transform creation.  Into a new creation beyond our wildest dreams.  And Jesus does it by enlisting the cooperation of servants. The generosity of 180 gallons of wine is a foretaste of the ultimate generosity of God in heaven. This miracle was the first sign because it teaches us the first lesson.  It wasn't the bride groom who discovered the water to wine miracle but the servants who knew where it came from.  If you want to see miracles you must serve and with God there is always plenty. The wedding of Cana is a foretaste of the eternal wedding in heaven. With such anticipation we pray for broken marriages to be changed into the new wine of heaven. If you are in a bad situation, don't suffer alone.  Talk to others, someone you can trust. And as the couple of Cana invited Jesus to their wedding make sure you also invite Him into your house to pour out the abundance of his love on you and your partner.  And your children if you are blessed with some. When all you see is your pain, you lose sight of God.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 10th January Sun 16th January 2022 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 10th January - Sun 16th January 2022.pdf

NEWSLETTER Mon 10th January Sun 16th January 2022

Baptism, the sacrament of entry into the church. Many people believe in the importance of baptism for their children. I often wonder why it is not so important for themselves. Others want it done to get into a Catholic school. And some want baptism as the door to eternal salvation. And for most, John's baptism with water is sufficient. However, the same John tells us that Jesus' baptism was very different. He tells us that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Now these are two powerful and living things.  We see how alive and frightening bushfires have been around the world.  They just destroy everything in their path and are virtually unstoppable.  How I wish our Christians were so on fire.  But destroying only everything that is evil. And then there is the Holy Spirit; that inner dynamo who drives us on to do things we never knew we could do. The one who changes "the face of the earth." Who changes me?  Who gives me energy and enthusiasm to live as Jesus wants me to live?  Who tells me I am a "Beloved son”?   That every other person is also a beloved son/daughter and that each one is my brother or sister, that we are family? This is what will change the face of the Earth.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 3rd January Sun 9th January 2022 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 3rd January Sun 9th January 2022

Before we finish 2021, a very special thanks to all of you. In this year of Covid you have been faithful, respectful and supportive to keep our parish up and running. Thanks to God for being kind to us and if you feel otherwise don't lose heart.  He will take care of us. Also, to all those great people who keep the parish running without much fuss, just get on with the job. You know who you are, be blessed. For your cards, gifts and financial support to the parish and me personally, sincere thanks.  God bless you.  WE ARE FAMILY. AND 2022 Here we go again…new beginnings. Any plans/resolutions. DAILY Pray every day (with others/family where possible) in your home/work. Join the rosary zoom group. Leave the table once a day saying no to that final bite. Walk to the next bus stop, or get off the bus a stop earlier. After a mistake, apologize immediately. WEEKLY  Sunday Mass. Prepare for mass by reading the readings. Put a coin in the Red Box/jar for your special cause. Bring God into a conversation. YEARLY Join a team/Legion to visit the housebound, if only once a year. Clean the church, if only once a year. Be part of a hospitality team to welcome people to church. Make tea. Invite one other person to church and maintain a friendship with them.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 27th December Sun 2nd January 2022 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 27th December - Sun 2nd January 2022.pdf

NEWSLETTER Mon 27th December Sun 2nd January 2022



pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 20th December Sun 26th December 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 20th December Sun 26th December 2021

When time is going fast, they say you are enjoying life. If it is going slow, sorry you are probably bored. Either way Christmas is on us.  Not Xmas... That would be Christmas without Christ, Christ is the centre piece. As I said last week, life can be like a wheel of fortune, when you spin it, the outside always changes; death, loss of job, new house, divorce, new baby etc. Always changing and often as a result my mood goes up or down.  Don't live on the periphery. However, the centre always stays in the centre and for you and I, I hope that is Christ. My faith does not change with my mood swings, because Christ is my anchor. Right in the beginning God created Adam (men) and Eve (women) and so set up the family. Jesus comes into the world and comes through a family. I believe God is telling us something. THE FAMILY IS CENTRAL.  If you want to change the world, go home and love your family. People keep blaming the social services, the police, the school, the council, the doctor, the church. The list is endless. Parents, accept your responsibility; if you make your bed lie in it. If you decide to have children make sure you are able and willing to take care of them. When I was ordained, the bishop asked me: "Jack are you ready and willing?" By keeping Christ at the centre, through Him, I have survived. Like Paul:  "If I boast, I boast in Christ." Parents, make sure you have a crib in your house this Christmas and gather the family or yourself around and look into it. I am always impressed by what is there rather than what is not there.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 13th December Sun 19th December 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 13th December - Sun 19th December 2021.pdf

NEWSLETTER Mon 13th December Sun 19th December 2021

THE WORD OF GOD The crowds asked John the Baptist, “What should we do?” He said to them in reply, “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” Even tax collectors came to be baptized and they said to him, “Teacher, what should we do?” He answered them, “Stop collecting more than what is prescribed.” Soldiers also asked him, “And what is it that we should do?” He told them, “Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone.” Fr Jack It would be stupid of me to try and do better than the word of God. I can't make it any simpler or better. Check your job and lifestyle and see who you let into your life. Be generous with your time, treasure and talent this Christmas. here are millions of needy people just around us.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 6th December Sun 12th December 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 6th December - Sun 12th December 2021.pdf

NEWSLETTER Mon 6th December Sun 12th December 2021

Advent I often feel is the poor relation of the year. Who cares about Advent – it is just something we have got to get through on our way to Christmas. And especially nowadays when we are so used to having everything instant.  Why wait? Who wants to wait?  Patience is in short supply. We can easily get overwhelmed by the ‘fast lane of life.’ We are in such a hurry. We want everything now. We rush from experience to experience. We can’t cope with the bigness of life. Stop. Look. Listen. Waiting for the day to come. Waiting for buses. Waiting for an appointment in a hospital. Waiting in A&E.  Waiting for the end of winter. Waiting for the sun to shine. Waiting to get well. Waiting for pain to go. Waiting to grow up. Waiting for visitors. The above are all Ok and have a degree of anticipation.  Maybe waiting for a baby to be born has a greater sense of excitement.  The real appreciation of nine months.  The waiting has all been worthwhile with the arrival of a baby.  And I am not talking about Christmas only. Or think of the excitement and sense of anticipation as you wait for the girlfriend to arrive.  Checking your hair is right, the tie is straight and a shrug of the shoulders and yes, "I am looking good."  I Am waiting and expecting.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 29th November Sun 5th December 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 29th November - Sun 5th December 2021.pdf

NEWSLETTER Mon 29th November Sun 5th December 2021

At 73, I begin to wonder how many more times I can start. I hear many of you saying the same thing, first Sunday of advent, time to begin again. And why not let us begin again with a sense of excitement! Christ is bringing a new and fresh dimension to our lives. With Christ all things are new. Don't waste your time wondering when the end will be.  There has always been much vain and useless argument about the second coming. When will it be and what will it be like? No one knows only the Father. Just be ready. Have buckets of love to present to him because that's the only thing you can take out of this world. The Gospel today makes it clear that History is going somewhere: The Stoics (3rd century BC), believed that you needed to live an ethical life, but they also believed that history repeated itself every 3,000 years which meant that history was going nowhere and people were trampling around on an eternal treadmill. But Christians know that life has a goal and that all things are leading to Christ. That is all we know and all we need to know. Like Mary, we need to get pregnant by the Holy Spirit. We need to let the word take such root in us that it begins to become part of our actual flesh. Then, like any woman who’s pregnant, we have to lovingly gestate, nurture, and protect what is growing inside us, until it’s sufficiently strong so that it can live on its own, outside us. . . 

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 22nd November Sun 28th November 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 22nd November - Sun 28th November 2021.pdf

NEWSLETTER Mon 22nd November Sun 28th November 2021

When I, driven by the spirit, meet you driven by the same spirit. Then we can truly say the Kingdom of God is in us and among us. The Kingdom of God is a space. It exists in every home where parents and children love each other. It exists in every country that cares for its weak and vulnerable. It exists in every parish that reaches out to the needy. The Kingdom of God is a condition. Its symptoms are love, justice, generosity, simplicity, appreciation, peace. etc. Jesus Christ is king! We pray today that God may “free all the world to rejoice in his peace, to glory in his justice, to live in his love.” Jesus came into the world 2000 years ago and told us that the kingdom of God is very near us.  Many people thought he was speaking about the end of the world, but no, he was talking about the Kingdom of God being within our hearts.   The best version of myself is, being in touch with this Kingdom and trying to live in it and by it. It is not simply the promise of the future victory of God over sin and evil, but that this victory has already begun—in the life and teaching of Jesus and I can live in it and enjoy it here and now. This is surely the good news.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 15th November Sun 21st November 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 15th November Sun 21st November 2021

With COP26 and the surrounding messages it could be a great time for prophets of doom..."The end is nigh." The end of many species and some countries and cultures will be wiped out. The ice cap will be gone, polar bears will probably have disappeared. And if we are lucky, that will be it. In today's gospel, Jesus could see something similar happening; the beautiful temple of Jerusalem will be destroyed, "and not a stone will be left on another stone." Jerusalem was being attacked from all sides. Jesus could see what was happening and "read the signs of the time."  Many others also saw it, but never woke up, or did not like to admit it. Back to today, many people do not want to wake up, or do not want to admit what is happening.  Are we being fair to future generations, to our children? Jesus and I are not talking about the end of the world.  We are talking about the end of many things we take for granted. Because Jesus said, "The angels, even the Son, does not know when these things will happen. Only God alone knows the day and the hour." So, in case the reports from Scotland are too complicated, I give a few simple guidelines. But the end will come and we need to be prepared.  So don't waste, consider others, try to save, protect and appreciate the wonderful world and facilities God has asked us to take care of. And teach your children.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 8th November Sun 14th November 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 8th November Sun 14th November 2021

What an "exciting week!" What with COVID, COP26, the SYNOD and many more things.  Is it any wonder there is global warming?  A lot of hot air, or am I being cynical? Let me know your thoughts, I mean that, I would love to have a few comments or texts. Thank God for Sunday and mass.  Today’s readings are very appropriate. Two words come to mind...... GENEROSITY and SIMPLICITY. A little bit of this from everybody could improve much in the world. It’s interesting that the woman in the first reading and the second reading is a widow. We have many widows in the parish. Ladies, do you have a hidden secret, or a direct line to God?  Please come back to me and give me/us the answer for next week.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 1st November Sun 7th November 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 1st November Sun 7th November 2021

One of the saddest things of my life as a priest is to find so many people who reject the gospel and say they do not believe in God or Christ. On further investigation I find that the God they reject is not the God of Jesus Christ, but the God of their own imagination, or some funny notion they got down the line from granny, a priest, parent, or someone else. Often there has been no growth in their faith. The God shown by Jesus exerts no dominating supremacy. In Christ, we see an image of a God who is not armed with lightning bolts, but with a basin and towel, who did not threaten, but preached good news for all; who rode not a warhorse but a donkey, weeping with people who do not know the way of peace. In Christ, God is supreme, but only in serving. God is the number one healer, the supreme friend, the perfect lover, the powerful life-giver who gives to the point of death. The king of kings and lord of lords is the servant of all and the friend of sinners. Exemplifying that the so-called weakness and foolishness of God, are greater than the so-called power and wisdom of people.  Now (read today's second reading). "Think of the love the Father has lavished on us by letting us be called God's children. And that is what we are."

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 25th October Sun 31st October 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 25th October Sun 31st October 2021

We inhabitants of the earth are a people in exile. We are not at home on the very land we occupy, and so we rape and plunder it. We are not at home with each other, and so we violate each other’s dignity and kill. When one of us cries out prophetically to the Lord, as the blind beggar Bartimaeus did, the others “scold him to make him keep quiet.” G Darring. The above statement, if you agree with it, is a frightening reality. Are we so blind? Like Bartiemaeus we need to pray not for sight, but to see:   To see the world as it is, to see myself, as I am.To accept the reality about myself, even if I do not like it. Turning to the lord and trying to borrow his eyes for a day. To see the world as he sees it, to understand the world as he created it. To read the scriptures and have a heart as big as Him. Now there is a statement: A heart as big as God's.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 18th October Sun 24th October 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 18th October Sun 24th October 2021

Here is the timetable for how the parish and diocesan Synodal process will unfold in our Archdiocese: 1. Sunday 17 October 2021 – Opening Mass at St George’s Cathedral (livestreamed) to launch the Synodal process in the diocese with a launch in every parish. A Pastoral Letter will be provided to be read at every Mass and the parish delegates nominated to serve the process can be introduced at your weekend Masses. Prayer cards will be provided for your parishioners. In the afternoon of Sunday 17th October at 4pm an online session will be held for the delegates, where I will introduce the process with a time of Lectio Divina. 2. 18 October – a Synod ‘portal’ on the new diocesan website will be published, featuring resources for parishes and other institutions and providing a place for individual and corporate submissions to the process. These can be made via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via post to Synod Submissions, c/o Archbishop’s House, 150 St George’s Road, SE1 6HX. 3. From 18 October to 19 November – local listening phase (i.e. parishes, and including schools where possible) which can comprise online or in-person gatherings as the organisers see fit. 

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 11th October Sun 17th October 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 11th October Sun 17th October 2021

In a week's time Pope Francis will launch a process that has the potential to reshape the church in ways not seen since the second Vatican council. The global synod "for a synodal Church" begins in Rome this weekend, the 9th and 10th October and then a week later is scheduled to begin in every diocese across the world. The diocesan phase of this process will run until next April and will focus on listening to and consulting the people of God. Not every bishop across the world is eagerly embracing the opportunity for renewal and many are lukewarm or apathetic.  Some leaders are ignoring the process and taking the view that it does not concern them. However in our own diocese we are enthusiastically open to the opportunity for renewal and I hope, here in our parish we will welcome this opportunity. As a church since the time of the Apostles we are a church on a journey listening to the Holy Spirit. Prior to Vatican 2, (1963/5) the church was seen as a hierarchical structure with the Pope on top and in charge and people were regarded as not having much to offer, apart from money. Vatican two stated that the church is the People of God and baptised people, share in the mission of the church, in their own right and NOT just as helpers for the priest. However this was very poorly embraced by powerful clergy. People, priests, bishops and pope are on a level playing field with Jesus at the centre; all of us around Him, who are in need of salvation.  He is the way to the Father for all.

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 4th October Sun 10th October 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 4th October Sun 10th October 2021

We were made for love and outside of it we die very quickly. God does not love you because you are good.  God loves you because God is good. We are all united with God but only some are consciously aware of it. Salvation is the ability to stay in relationship. When we don't give other people any power in our life and block them I think we are spiritually dead and not far from evil. God said: - "It is not good that man should be alone" in the first book of the bible. I've had a problem with my own position ever since. On my own and compulsory. Celibacy as a virtue is good for those who can carry it; sadly in the priesthood many could not carry it and opted for a different way of life. However I am not on my own and never have been.  I've been lucky to have many good friends around me. I emphasise good over many.  Yes good deep and lasting relationships, intimacy over sex. Friends that know understand and support you.  Guide you when necessary and empathise with you in need. And in solitude, at last, we’re able to let God define us the way we are always supposed to be defined—by relationship: "The I-thou relationship, in relation to a Presence that demands nothing of us, but presence itself. Not performance but presence.” Be kind to yourself.  

pdf NEWSLETTER Mon 27th September Sun 3rd September 2021 Popular

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NEWSLETTER Mon 27th September Sun 3rd September 2021

Today's scripture makes for sober reading. Jesus challenges the Apostles about their tribalism. They saw others preaching in Christ's name but they did not recognise them as part of their group. So they wanted to stop them. Christ defends the outsider and rebukes the apostles for their display of tribalism/closed attitude. A closed mind is very difficult to get into.  Usually it is wrapped up in itself. They may not be the full shilling as we say but Christ's view is he is still one of his. He may not be an official member but he still comes to the father through Christ. Judas was an official member of the group and look what happened to him. Jesus' real anger is reserved for those who draw children away from the Father. We can do this by bad example or equally by not teaching them the Way. Jesus then goes on to talk about the seriousness of sin.  We are sanctified by the blood of the Lamb and not by severed limbs. This really was the Jewish way of speaking and asking us;- "What is most important to you?" What do I need to cut out of my life in order to follow Christ more closely?  Gold as James says. Greed, selfishness, pride, lust, despair........... We are not perfect but we have a perfect High Priest.